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5月16日朋友會美國姑娘Kerry Berry Brogan 

央視國際 (2005年05月12日 19:27)


  美國姑娘:Kerry Berry Brogan

  生 日: 2月11日

  身 高: 170厘米

  體 重: 52公斤

  眼 睛: 藍色

  頭 發: 金棕色



  1997─2001在Bard College 學習亞洲學和表演

  主要影視作品: 電 影《幸福花園》

  電 影《桂花雨》

  電視劇《延安頌》中飾演 斯諾夫人

  電視劇 趙寶剛作品《風吹雲動星不動》



  1: 對於當時還在美國上高中的Kerry來説,中國也許真的和她沒有什麼聯絡.直到有一天,她所就讀的Newton South High School 與中國北京的景山學校做交換生活動,她才真正有機會來到中國,了解中國。在北京做交換生的這三個月,成為了Kerry學生時代最美好記憶的一部分.

  Being an American high school student, it seemed to Kerry that China had nothing to do with her. Until one day her high school Newton South High School, entered into an exchange program with Beijing Jingshan School. Kerry had a chance to come to China and get to know this country. These three months as an exchange student in Beijing became some of the most beautiful memories of her student life.


  Her time studying at the Central Academy of Drama was happy and rewarding, and Kerry never imagined that her first appearance on Chinese TV would be in an advertisement.


  In Kerry’s opinion, filming a TV advertisement was not so difficult; the difficult thing is for a young foreign woman who wants to be a professional actress in China to actually realize her dream of performing here.


  In her spare time, Kerry likes to go around the Beijing hutongs, sometimes taking her digital video camera to do some filming. She said this is one way to experience life in Beijing.

責編:蘭華  來源:CCTV.com

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