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央視國際 (2005年03月18日 14:11)





  Liang Ming was ranked as fourth in his class when he entered the Beijing Film Academy.

  This was a good chance for him, so he couldn’t pass up the opportunity.

  But he was not able to persuade his leader in factory to let him go.

  And without their approval, he would not be able to go to the University. Just when Liang Ming had run out of solutions, he met a wonderful teacher, a teacher who changed Liang Ming’s life



  When Liangming came to America he was over 30 years old.

  His English was very weak,,

  And his memory is not good as that of a young person,

  But in order to complete his degree, he had to study hard.


  Liang Ming was able to earn some money from this work. Later, he set up a tool shop which was the biggest in Chicago. Liang Ming says at times he even forgot that he had been a film major. After a series of various jobs, Liang Ming finally found a job related to film, namely setting up a TV Station.

  1992年 ,梁明在美國聽到同班同學陳凱歌、顧長衛在國際獲獎的消息。他非常興奮,為自己的同學感到驕傲,但同時,梁明也開始為自己遲遲不能投身電影事業而感到著急,出於對電影的眷顧,1997年,梁明決定回國。

  In 1992 , he heard that his classmates, Chen Kaige and Guchangwei had won international film awards. He was very excited at this news, and felt proud of his classmates. But at the same time, he felt some regret that he had not performed in a film for such a long time. In 1997, he decided to come back to China to realize his dream: film.


  讓人們看到梁明非凡的創作熱情,也使他最終贏得了2004年中國電影“金雞獎”的最佳攝影獎 。

  After a series of sports films, Liang Ming shot the film “Duet”. This film revealed Liang Ming creative passion. And he won the best photography award at the “Golden Cock” award in 2004.

責編:蘭華  來源:CCTV.com

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