
Annie S.C.Wu--Philanthropic Businesswoman 09-14-2005 15:04

Annie Wu started and owns 18 companies and joint ventures world-wide鈥nd still counting鈥. She comes from a strong family legacy of influential and powerful businessmen鈥but her true passion is focused on cultural development and improvement of the more impoverished areas of China鈥.

She has such an extraordinary list of achievements and titles鈥ouncilor of the World Trade Center Association, Vice President of Beijing Air Catering Company鈥owever, she said, 鈥渂usiness is my job, and culture is my passion.鈥

In 1999, she brought a delegation from Hong Kong to Tibet, including the famous Hong Kong pop star Andy Lau. Since then, she has paid close attention to the development of Tibet. In her words, 鈥淭ibet is not the Dalai Lama鈥檚 Tibet, it鈥檚 the Tibetans鈥home鈥 She wants more and more people to visit the region, so visitors and investors will begin to care about the region鈥檚 development and bring opportunities to this remote region.

Her first trip to Tibet in 1999 was the beginning of what would become a 鈥渃areer鈥in Tibet for Annie. She got involved in many aspects, including youth education and tourism. She is a 鈥渂ridge鈥 bringing different groups to Tibet for projects associated with financial investment and tourism. Now, she is busy promoting the cooperation between Hawaii and Tibet authorities to work together and build a five-star resort based on eco-tourism.

In celebration of the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Tibet Autonomous Region, the Up Close production team produced this special edition. Don鈥檛 miss the opportunity to join us to witness a businesswoman鈥檚 close bond with Tibet. You will be touched by the relationship between Annie Wu and Tibet, a place far away from her birthplace, Hong Kong.

--Written By Zhang Yao


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