We never aggress others unless others do it
2001年04月09日 11:03

  To Yankee,

  We have our dignity and we should keep our territory! We have no interest to spy on any other military trove, but we never agree any invasion to our country. Our fighter jet had been collided crash, we respect our hero who defended our nation.

  If our plane paraded up along your coast area, and our planes crashed your air crafts, how did you think? Can you "protect the crew and make some amend facilities and fix the plane, then return to China?" Dream of your day-time dream!

  We have the right to protect ourselves, we have the right to judge all the criminals who commit a huge crime!

  We have been endured for hundreds of years insults, and lost many trove and assets when foreigners invaded our country , we will never lose them again!!

  You American government are not world cop, you are forgery democracy!I hope all the bilateral people live in a peace world,no any war,no any conflicting. There is a chinese saying, "We never aggress others unless others do it!"(Huasheng Zhan)
