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Chief justice: Number of dishonest judicial officers declines

China's chief justice Xiao Yang said in Beijing Tuesday that the number of judges and court officers who take the law and discipline in their own hands has dropped steadily from 6.7 per thousand in 1998 to 2 per thousand over the past five years.

Presenting a report on the work of the Supreme People's Court to the ongoing first session of the 10th National People's Congress, President Xiao Yang of the Supreme People's Court attributed the decline to the persistent efforts by the Supreme People's Court to implement the withdrawal system and standardize the behavior of judges and to the establishment of the system of investigating and affixing responsibilities for law-violating trials.

He said that the Supreme People's Court has formulated a number of rules and regulations concerning the punishment of judges and other judicial officers for violating the law and discipline, with emphasis put on those who abuse their judicial authority and law enforcement power to seek personal gains, take bribes and bend the law.

The Supreme People's Court is resolute in purging the ranks of judges and judicial officers of corrupt elements, Xiao Stressed.

March 11, 2003

Source: Xinhua News Agency

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