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2002: TV stations urged to consider national interests in opening columns

TV stations must proceed from national interests in opening new columns and it is wrong to seek viewers’ reception rate, according to a lawmaker.

Wang Xueping, a deputy to the National People's Congress, China's top legislative body, criticized some TV stations for excessively publicizing celebrities in the cultural sector.

She asked: “Since the CCTV has the ‘Artistic Life’ column and then why it has not opened ‘Scientific and Technological Life’ and ‘Devotion Life’?”

This question should not be neglected, she said, adding: “China is still a backward country. TV stations ought to all the more encourage people to work hard and be dedicated to their careers and publicize more model people in science and technology and the people who are dedicated to their careers.”

In this way TV stations will help people, especially young people and teen-agers, to develop a correct value of making progress, she noted.

March 14, 2002


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