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2001: Formulation of Organ Donation Law Proposed

Five lawmakers have submitted a proposal to the National People's Congress on promptly formulating the Organ Donation Law.

The proposal was made jointly by Jiang Zexi, honorary director of the Children's Hospital in Wuhan, capital of central China's Hubei Province, and three other deputies from Hubei to the National People's Congress.

Jiang said, "with such a law in place and the establishment of organ banks, more lives will be saved and China's medical treatment standard will be improved."

Many types of illness can be cured via organ transplantation, she said, adding that China now has mature organ transplanting technology.

But because of the lack of organ sources, Chinese doctors cannot use the technology to cure more patients.

Many other countries have the Organ Donation Law in place and organ banks, whereas China has neither.

The five deputies expressed the hope that the NPC should legalize the taking of organs from the dead for transplantation. They also stressed the need to establish organ banks.

They also proposed enacting relevant laws on banning the trading in organs so as to avoid disputes.

March 8, 2001

Source: www.people.com.cn

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