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2001: CPPCC Proposals Contributing to National Economic, Social Development

The Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), China's top advisory body, has made great contributions to reform, opening up drive and modernization of China by offering proposals and advice, a vice- chairman of the CPPCC National Committee said Saturday.

Wan Guoquan made the remarks in his work report on the handling of proposals since the last session of the Ninth National Committee of the CPPCC, which he delivered at the opening meeting of the Fourth Session of the Ninth CPPCC National Committee here Saturday afternoon.

Wan said that a total of 3,733 proposals have been received from CPPCC members, non-Communist parties and people's groups over the past year. Of the total, 98 percent have been properly handled, the vice-chairman said.

Advancing proposals is a form through which CPPCC members voice opinions and raise suggestions on national and local policies and social affairs.

Among all the proposals, 1,502 relate to economic affairs, 988 science, education, health, culture and sports, and 828 laws and regulations, social security and united front work, according to Wan.

He also listed several major proposals which have been adopted. They include suggestions on the construction of a railway along the Yangtze River and promoting economic development in central and western China through scientific advancement.

Wan expressed the hope that greater progress would be made in the handling of proposals in the new year.

March 3, 2001

Source: www. People.com.cn

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