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2000: Legislators submit 890 proposals in total

Deputies to the Ninth National People's Congress (NPC) have put forth 890 proposals to the ongoing Third Session of the NPC by 6:00 pm Friday, the deadline for submitting proposals.

Compared with previous sessions, the motions raised at this session are of much better quality, and 85 percent of them propose formulating new laws or amending existing laws, said Shi Yousong, director of the Motion Registration Section of the NPC Secretariat. The proposals focus on expanding domestic demand, restructuring the national economy, promoting the rule of law, furthering reform in state-owned enterprises, intensifying the anti-corruption drive, establishing and improving a social security system, and developing science, technology and education.

The proposals will be registered and sorted out, and part of them will be handed over to relevant sub-committees of the NPC. Remaining proposals will be transferred to relevant government departments for handling as suggestions, criticisms and comments. Relevant deputies will be informed of handling results. According to law, only a delegation of NPC deputies or a group of 30 or more NPC deputies are qualified to put forward a legislative motion.

March 11, 2000

Source: www.people.com.cn

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