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2000: 96.3% of motions submitted to CPPCC National Committee handled

As of February 20 this year, 3,004 proposals, or 96.3 percent of the total number of motions raised since last year's Second Annual Session of the Ninth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political consultative Conference (CPPCC) had been dealt with, according to an advisory body leader.

Zhou Tie'nong, vice-chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, while addressing today's opening of the session, disclosed that 2, 542 proposals, or 84.6 percent of the total, have been disposed of or subjected under plans for handling.

The just-concluded Eighth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee made a resolution to resume the practice of holding hearings on the handling of proposals set forth since the previous session, which was abandoned at the Second Session of the Seventh National Committee of the CPPCC in 1989. The practice has been proven conducive to the early handling of the proposals or motions raised by CPPCC National Committee members.

The motions raised by non-Communist parties, people's organizations and CPPCC National Committee members after the Second Annual Session of the Ninth CPPCC National Committee covered a wide range of issues involving economic, social and political fields, which are useful and of great importance for the economic and social progress of the country, according to the CPPCC vice-chairman.

As the Communist Party and government departments at all levels have attached great importance to the CPPCC motions and proposals, the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee is making still greater efforts to uphold the proposal-raising system in an effort to constantly improve the quality of CPPCC proposals, Zhou said.

March 3, 2000

Source: www.people.com.cn

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