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Premier: China will proceed political restructure in three aspects

China will proceed political restructure in three aspects, namely, decision-making, law-based administration and democratic supervision, said China's new Premier Wen Jiabao in Beijing Tuesday when meeting the press.

Wen said China will draw opinions from officials, experts and civilians for major issues and economic construction projects, to forge a scientific and democratic decision-making system. A law-based administration will be carried out, receiving restrain and regulations from public.

China will also push forward democratic supervision, with the government under the supervision of the National People's Congress (NPC) of China, the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), the common people and the media, said Wen.

He emphasized that only by advancing democratic supervision, will the government not slow down its pace.

March 18, 2003


By Xiaowei according to Xinhua News Agency

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