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2000: Li Peng on legislative work

Li Peng, chairman of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People's Congress (NPC), said here today that legislation should serve the central work of the nation and be integrated with major reform policies and policies aimed at speeding up economic development and ensuring social stability.

Li Peng made the remark while attending a group meeting of members of the Ninth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) from China Democratic League and China Democratic National Construction Association.

Li, also a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party ( CPC), said, "We have a clear legislation-related objective. We have a five-year plan as well as annual plans for legislation."

Li said, "In legislation, we stress seeking advices from the people."

He said that, to implement the principle of governing the country by law, legislation should be strengthened and a socialist legal system set up and perfected.

On the strategy of developing China's western regions, he said that acceleration of economic development in the western and central regions of the country is a major policy decision of the CPC Central Committee.

Development of the west and central China regions has an important bearing on a coordinated development of the east and west in China and the realization of common prosperity for the nation, he said.

Through two-decades' reforms and opening up, China's comprehensive national strength has increased and a socialist market economic system has been preliminarily established. Thus, conditions are ripe for accelerating the development of China's western regions, he said.

He called on the west China region to open wider to the outside world to absorb more overseas funds. Meanwhile, he said, the west should also open to other parts in the country so as to attract more enterprises in the east China region to set up factories and make use of resources there.

On the anti-corruption campaign, the NPC Standing Committee chairman stressed the need to set up a sound system and related mechanisms.

He called on officials at various levels to serve the people and to be subject to people's supervision.

China's entry into the World Trade Organization brings both opportunities and challenges to the nation, he said. The NPC will draft and revise related laws to meet the new situation following China's accession to the WTO, he said.

March 4, 2000

Source: www.people.com.cn

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