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World Expo Shanghai 2010 to contribute to world peace: Jiang

Chinese President Jiang Zemin said in Beijing on Tuesday that the World Exposition Shanghai 2010 would contribute to the peace and progress of mankind.

In his letter of thanks to Gilles Noghes, president of the Bureau of International Expositions (BIE), and V.G. Loscertales, secretary general of the BIE, Jiang said he had learned with pleasure the decision of the BIE at its 132nd General Meeting to grant Shanghai, China, the right to host the World Exposition 2010.

"I wish to express, on behalf of the Chinese Government and people, my sincere thanks to the BIE and, through the BIE, to all its member states for their trust and support," Jiang said.

"I am convinced that the World Exposition Shanghai 2010 will further enhance the cause of international expositions, contribute to peace and progress of mankind and draw closer relations between China and the BIE," the Chinese president added.

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