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World Exposition

The World Exposition is an international exhibition showing mankind's achievements in society, culture, science and the economy. It also looks at the future of mankind.

The World Exposition is organized by the government of the country in which it is held, and its scale and impact have exceeded all other international trade exhibitions. It has been called "the Olympic Games of economic, cultural and scientific fields."

The first session of the World Exposition was held in London in 1851, and some 40 expositions since then have been held in turn by different developed countries.

According to the Bureau of International Expositions' (BIE) new regulations, World Expositions are divided into two types: those, which are registered and cover a broad or general theme, and those, which are recognized and concentrate on a specific theme. The former is held every five years and lasts six months. And the latter usually lasts three months and is held once between two registered ones. The 2010 World Exposition for which Shanghai is bidding belongs to the former.

China hosted the '99 Kunming World Horticulture Exposition.

The Chinese government decided to apply to host the 2010 World Exposition in Shanghai in 1999. In May 2001 the Chinese ambassador to France Wu Jianmin submitted the application which was signed by Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan, to BIE Secretary-General Vicente Gonzalez Loscertales. Wu then submitted a report on the application to the BIE this January.

China was the first country applying for the 2010 World Fair. Russia, the Republic of Korea, Mexico, Argentina and Poland have since submitted applications.

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