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BIE Delegation Continues Inspection of Shanghai

The visiting delegation of the Bureau of International Exhibitions (BIE) started its second-day inspection Wednesday.

Led by Carmen Sylvain, BIE vice-president and chairperson of the BIE executive committee, the delegation visited the City Planning Exhibition Center and sailed to the 3.4-square-kilometer area selected as the site for World Expo 2010 on the two banks of the Huangpu River.

The delegation studied the model of Shanghai city planning at the City Planning Exhibition Center and then found more than they expected.

Special exhibition prepared

The Shanghai 2010 World Expo Bidding Office prepared an exhibition titled, "All things originated in Expo-A retrospective of the World Expo", which was indeed a welcome surprise for the delegation.

The exhibits, ranging from introduction and pictures of previous sessions of the World Expo, to the latest discovery of China's early participation in it, such as a gold-medal certificate issued at the 1851 London-based World Expo to a Shanghai merchant.

The exhibits were selected from the BIE's Paris library, and many of them were displayed for the first time, said exhibition organizers.

On-the-spot investigation made

The delegation later sailed on the Huangpu River to conduct on- the-spot inspection of the proposed construction site of the 2010 Shanghai Expo.

The site is included in a sweeping project to create an environment-friendly urban district, launched by the local government earlier this year. The project covers an area of 2,260 hectares, including both banks of the Huangpu River.

The delegation, including BIE President Gilles Noghes and Secretary-General V.G. Loscertales, is on a five-day inspection tour of Shanghai, during which the delegation is scheduled to hear presentations, conduct on-the-spot inspection and talk with local people.

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