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President Jiang Meets BIE Delegation, Promising Best Ever World Expo

China spares no efforts to bid for the 2010 World Exposition in order to increase mutual understanding with the people of other countries and make contributions to peace and development of the world, said Chinese President Jiang Zemin.

Jiang met Monday with a delegation of the Bureau of International Expositions (BIE), which arrived in Beijing Sunday for a visit to hear China's presentations and to learn more about the country's bid to host the 2010 World Exposition in Shanghai.

China confident to hold World Expo

Jiang extended warm welcome to the delegation, which is led by Carmen Sylvain, BIE vice president and chairperson of the BIE Executive Committee. BIE President Gilles Noghes and Secretary-General V. G. Loscertales are also members of the delegation.

Jiang expressed his hope that China's enthusiasm, confidence and capability to host the exposition will be conveyed to all BIE members through the visit and investigation of the delegation.

He reaffirmed that the Chinese government will strictly abide by all commitments made in the bidding report if China wins the bid.

Shanghai successfully hosted the Fortune Global Forum in 1999 and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economic leaders' meeting in 2001, Jiang noted, stressing that Chinese people have the ability to host the best World Exposition.

He said that the World Exposition has played an important role in promoting the progress of mankind and the international exchanges since it was established 150 years ago.

China has taken an active part in the work of the BIE since it took part in the World Exposition for the first time in 1982 and joined the BIE in 1993, he said, adding that China successfully hosted the world horticultural exposition in Kunming in 1999.

He pledged that China will, as always, support the work of the BIE, and make contribution in this regard.

BIE glad to see China's application

Carmen Sylvain said that she is glad to see China's applying for hosting the 2010 World Exposition.

With the mission of learning about China's efforts for its bid, she has found out that the Chinese government has given full support to applying for hosting the 2010 World Exposition in Shanghai, she said.

She voiced her belief that China will be able to host an excellent World Exposition in 2010. Other members of the delegation also spoke about their impression during their visit here.

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