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One Year after WTO Accession         

China sees strong industrial growth in the wake of WTO entry

Latest data from the National Bureau of Statistics indicates that China's industrial growth hit a new high in November, after a three-month growth-run. The bureau said China's entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) could be attributed to fueling the strong economic momentum.

The statistics show that industrial enterprises across the country have achieved some thirty-five billion US dollars in added value in November, up fourteen percent over the same period last year.

Zhang Weihua from National Bureau of Statistics said:" According to our forecast, the industrial growth rate of the whole year may reach twelve percent, faster than last year, and also the highest in five to six years. As China is celebrating its first anniversary of joining the WTO, the overall situation is very good. "

With a quickened pace of industrial production, domestic industrial enterprises are making good profits instead of suffering losses. The statistics Bureau said that this year's achievement in industrial growth is partly due to a proactive policy adopted by the government to boost domestic demand. In addition, increasing exports in traditional sectors like textiles and clothes also played a role since the country's WTO entry.

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