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One Year after WTO Accession         

WTO starts review of China's actions to date

The World Trade Organization began its General Council meeting in Geneva on Tuesday. During the five-day meeting, the trade body will review China's implementation of its commitments to the organization in its first year as a member.

Under the membership agreement, the WTO will conduct a transitional trade policy review of China's actions annually for eight years and give a final report on the 10th anniversary of China's membership.

The review covers 17 aspects, including the intellectual property rights, agriculture, and market accession.

Sun Zhenyu, Chinese ambassador to the organization, said that the annual review would help stimulate China to implement its commitments. He expressed the confidence that China's performance will be received positively by the WTO members.

China joined the WTO on December 11, 2001, after 15 years of arduous negotiations.

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