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One Year after WTO Accession         

WTO Advanced Training Program launched in Beijing

In addition to the first anniversary of China's WTO accession, China welcomes another WTO relevant "first" in Beijing on Wednesday.

The "WTO Advanced Training Program in Asia-Pacific" was officially launched at Peking University. It is the first program of its kind to be implemented with the cooperation of WTO and a regional development bank, the Asian Development Bank.

It is also the first regional activity that China has undertaken under the WTO framework.

Shi Guangsheng, the minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, said at the launch ceremony that the program aims to provide a relevant WTO training course for senior officials from Asia-Pacific countries.

The first course will be held from April 28 to May 10, 2003, during which 29 countries in the region will send officials to Peking University to exchange experience in protection and promotion of multilateral trade schemes.

Shi added that with China's increased involvement in world trade, personnel training and capacity building are becoming more important.

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