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One Year after WTO Accession         

Shi Guangsheng: China to play more active role in WTO

WTO membership has enabled China to attract more foreign direct investment and maintain a strong economic momentum. That's why China's trade minister Shi Guangsheng was confident when he talked about the country's more constructive role in the world trade body.

At a gathering marking the first anniversary of China's WTO membership in Beijing on Wednesday, Shi Guangsheng said that WTO membership has increased economic ties between China and the world market.

He pointed out that China's import and export volume reached more than 500 billion dollars at the end of October this year, a 19-percent increase over the same period last year.

China has already attracted more than 48 billion US dollars worth of overseas capital this year, a 15-percent increase over last year. He said that these good performances show that China's national economy is benefiting from WTO membership, but he added that China still has a long way to go to make the best of its membership.

"The transformation from an applicant to a fully constructive member country is necessary. We should know more about WTO's rules and its operation system and raise people's awareness of the organization, so as to enhance the foundation of China's participation in the multilateral trade mechanism," Shi Guangsheng said.

Shi Guangsheng also said that China is willing to exchange views with WTO's developing members to promote the liberalization of trade and investment within the framework of the WTO.

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