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One Year after WTO Accession     Review of China's WTO membership     Appraisal     One-year-long Road     Related Documents         


China's Entry to WTO

November 15, 1999, US Trade Representative Barsherfsky exchanges documents with Chinese Foreign Trade Minister Shi Guangsheng in Beijing for China's entry to WTO

China's Accession to WTO Formally Approved

Shi Guangsheng
Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation.

Long Yongtu
Vice Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, China's chief negotiator for the country's WTO accession.

Mike Moore
took up his appointment as Director-General of the WTO on September 1, 1999.

Review of China's WTO membership
A year of changes after WTO accession: review

Phased, historical progress often begins with profound changes. On December 11, 2001, China officially became a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO), opening a new page in the annals of China's reform and opening up. Now one year's time has passed, and the changes, expected or unexpected, are taking place noticed or unnoticed around us.

China gradually opens up its book and newspaper market

International Forum on China's WTO Entry opens

China WTO commitments: a legal perspective

WTO brings cheers and tears to Chinese

WTO membership: a win-win situation

China sees WTO as positive for economy

China's performance wins world recognition after 1 year in WTO

Exactly one year ago, China was officially signed into the World Trade Organization, realizing the country's dream of entering the trade body. A year later, China has won wide recognition for its performance and efforts in its first year in the body.


WTO General Council "satisfied" with China's 1st year

Shi Guangsheng: China to play more active role in WTO

China's performance wins world recognition after 1 year in WTO

Interview: Motorola benefits from China's WTO entry

China performs well since WTO entry: trade official

Forum focuses on China's role after WTO entry

One-year-long Road

"Made in China" to "Invented in China"

China sets goal of 7% foreign trade growth in 2003

New vehicle recall law for 2003

Vice premier urges further state-owned enterprise reforms

Individuals become biggest buyers of Shenzhen state-owned assets

Related Documents
Report of the Council for Trade in Goods on China's transitional review

The Council for Trade in Goods, at its meeting on 22 November 2002, carried out the first Transitional Review of China pursuant to paragraph 18 of the Protocol on the Accession of the People's Republic of China.

→The whole text of the report (source: http://www.wto.org)

The WTO in brief

China's Key Commitment to WTO

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