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Jiang Zemin and Sino-US relationship

While attending the Informal APEC Leadership Meeting in Manila, the Philippines, President Jiang Zemin and President Clinton held a meeting on November 24, 1996. Both sides agreed that the heads of state of China and the United States would conduct mutual state visits between 1997 and 1998.

On October 28,1997, President Jiang Zemin arrived in Washington. The following day, he met with more than 30 Senates in the hotel where he stayed in Washington.

On November 2,1997, President Jiang Zemin delivered a speech entitled Enhance Mutual Understanding and Strengthen Friendship and Co-operation in Harvard University. He said that the friendship and co-operation between the peoples of China and the United States have great influence to the world and that both countries must firmly grasp the overall interests of the Sino- US relations, resolve the differences appropriately and advance continuously towards the objective of enhancing understanding, expanding consensus, fostering co-operation and jointly carving out the future.

Information Source: the Information Office of the State Council

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