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President Jiang's trip to US
Chinese President Jiang Zemin arrived in Chicago on Tuesday morning (October 22), kicking off his four-day working visit to the United States as guest of US President George W. Bush. It is President Jiang's second visit to the United States. He first visited the country in October 1997.

Visit to China by President Bush

Chinese President Jiang Zemin greeted US President George W. Bush at the APEC meeting in Shanghai on October 19,2001.

President Jiang Zemin met US President George W. Bush at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on February 21,2002.

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Chinese version of President Jiang Zemin's visit to US

News Update
President Jiang's arrival in Mexico came after a 4-day working visit to the US, where he held talks with US President George W. Bush at the president's ranch. The two leaders exchanged views on various issues. Later, they held a joint press conference. The Chinese President also joined the US President for lunch on Friday at the president's home in Crawford.

Visiting Chinese President Jiang Zemin delivered a speech at the George Bush Presidential Library in Houston on Thursday. In his speech, President Jiang touched on a range of subjects from world peace to the current state of Sino-US relations.

Speaking at a function hosted by the George Bush Presidential Library, President Jiang Zemin said "strengthening peace and development on both regional and global level served China's fundamental interests."


Sino-US Relationship Review
On the evening of February 17, 1973, Chairman Mao Zedong met with Dr. Henry Kissinger, national security adviser to the president of the United States. During the Kissinger's visit to China, both sides decided to set up a liaison office in each other's capital to establish a direct link between the two countries. In May, the liaison offices began to function.

Jiang Zemin and Sino-US relationship

Deng Xiaoping


Mao Zedong met former US President Richard Nixon

Deng Xiaoping met former US President Ronald Reagan

Jiang Zemin met former US President Bill Clinton

Jiang Zemin met US President George W.Bush


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