A glimpse of China's changing nightlife  
2002-10-24 11:21:51
With the development of China's economy and the improvement of living standards of the people, China's cities are seeing the emergence of a new trend. City dwellers are spending more time and money on their nightlife.

When the last rays of sunshine disappear and darkness falls upon the city, nights come alive. Night lovers are making the most of their leisure time to put their worries aside and fully relax not only their mind but also their body.

Recently, many people opt for healthier ways to while away the night. Body-building becomes a fashion overnight.

"There're a lot more places to go at night. Have fun. I changed a lot during the past several years," said a citizen.

According to the Beijing Sports Bureau, all kinds of fitness exercises have been introduced to the capital during the past few years to satisfy a growing demand for new activities. Now there are about 100 types of modern body building exercises people can enjoy in gyms.

Of course not everyone is so health conscious. After sundown, many people head for the bars for another way of enjoyment. Ten years ago, bar culture was a total foreign concept to most Chinese people, and bars were only affordable for a minority of people. But as living standards improve, bars have gradually made their way into people's lives, and now the choice is simply staggering.

No matter what you want, quietness or excitement, getting together with friends or private time, you'll always find a way. Believe it or not, Chinese people are enjoying their lives more than ever.

Another fashionable way to spend an evening is the concert. When overseas shows started coming to China, they attracted crowds of enthusiastic Chinese spectators, eager to discover what the rest of the world had to offer. This has become a new way of tasting different cultures.

Shopping is yet another popular evening pastime in recent years. People no longer need to put up with exhausting shopping jams in the weekend. For most Chinese people, the best time to shop turns to be nights.

"In the past, we couldn't really shop at night, because shops closed at 6 or 7 p.m. and buses also stopped very early. But now, shops all stay open till late, and there are many buses at night, as well as the subway and the newly opened light-rail trains. It's much more convenient to shop at night," said a Beijing citizen.

And consumers are not the only ones to welcome the late shopping hours.

"Our night-time sales volume this year has increased a lot compared to last year. And we sell roughly twice as much between 6 p.m. and closing time at night as during the day," said Li Xin, a consumer consultant of Giordano.

A survey carried out in Beijing early this year revealed that nearly 70 percent of interviewees think nightlife is indispensable. 82 percent of respondents said they spend nights with friends or family. Night-time spending has also increased in the space of one year, with 44 percent spending between 50 and 100 yuan a night, and 38 percent spending between 100 and 300 yuan. This trend reflects the country's economic success and encourages it at the same time. As a symbol of modern Chinese living style, nightlife is coloring the society and enriching the people's life.

No time should be wasted. The beautiful night is waiting for you.