td> 07-19-2004 16:21

It was created purely by chance- an artist started by designing an emblem containing the five Olympic rings with a superimposed eagle and the Brandenburg Gate, one of the symbols of the city. However, the President of the Games Organising Committee, Dr Lewald, was not satisfied with this composition and took the initiative to open the bottom part of the emblem, which turned the design into a bell. Although it was purely by chance that it was created, the symbolism of this figure was immediately recognised. On the side of the bell is the inscription 鈥淚ch rufe die Jugend der Welt!鈥(I call the youth of the world). The artist, Johannes Boehland, commissioned to continue designing the emblem on this theme. The definitive emblem was thus composed of the Olympic bell on which can be found the Olympic rings with the German eagle superimposed.

As well as the Olympic rings, flame and oath, the bell became one of the strong and omnipresent symbols of the Berlin Games

Editor:Wang Ping

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