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China realigns government with market system
   CCTV.COM   2003-03-14 13:03:38   
    China's fifth institutional reform since the 1980s was unveiled this week at the ongoing National People's Congress to help China better meet the demands of a market-oriented system. The reorganization of the current ministerial level departments will strengthen the nation's capability to cover new issues in the process of China's economic development.

    According to the plan, the current 29 ministerial level departments under the State Council will be reorganized into 28. The new bodies related to economy include the Ministry of Commerce, the State Development and Reform Commission, the State Assets Management Commission and the Banking Regulatory Commission.

    CPPCC member Zhang Zhuoyuan, professor of Chinese Academy of Social Science, said: "This institutional reform is mainly to resolve the issues that come up in the process of economic development. It is just following up most functions of the current ministerial departments and reorganizing them. Newly established departments are comparatively less. The staff of these departments are also being relocated into new ministries according to their different functions."

    The expert also says that the newly reorganized or established government departments are mainly based on the functions of the previous departments. The over-lap of responsibilities in the past greatly hampered the efficient and transparent operation of administration.

    The Ministry of Commerce will be in charge of drafting regulations on market operation and circulation, anti-dumping, anti-subsidiary and organizing investigation on industrial losses.

    The State Development and Reform commission will be in charge of the country's economic restructuring. It is responsible for drafting long-term and annual plans for national economic and social development, setting up industrial policies and price policies, and arranging large-scale construction projects.

    The State Asset Management Commission, the largest new department on the list, will guide the restructuring and reorganization of SOEs, appoint and remove leading officials, and evaluate the achievement of and supervise state-owned assets.

    The Banking Regulatory Commission will be set up for drafting relevant laws on banking supervision and market access, and crack down on unauthorized activities.

    Since the 1980s, China has carried out four large-scale institutional reforms, in the years of 1982, 1988, 1993 and 1998. The reform this time is regarded as a follow-up of the previous one, during which the number of ministerial departments was cut from 40 to 29.

Editor: Xiao Wei

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