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Congratulations roll in after Shanghai's successful Expo bid
   CCTV.COM   2002-12-04 13:12:20   
    Today China marks another milestone. Shanghai has won its bid to host the 2010 World Expo. Chinese Vice Premier Li Lanqing has enthusiastically welcomed the International Expo Bureau's decision.

    He said Shanghai's success is a sign of the international community's recognition of China's development and its trust in China's economic center Shanghai to host a well-organized Expo.

    He expressed his belief that the 2010 Shanghai Expo will be the most successful in history.

    The Chinese Expo bidding delegation in Monaco also held a grand banquet to celebrate their success and express their heartfelt happiness on the occasion.

    Heartbeats all over China rose a level on Tuesday night on hearing the good news about Shanghai's successful Expo bid.

    Chinese Vice Premier Li Lanqing was ecstatic. He attributed the success to China's rapidly growing economic and social development.

    "The success is a clear sign of the world's recognition of China's development over the last 13 years and the success of its reform and opening-up policies. It stems from the country's increasing strength and steady social development," said Li Lanqing.

    Meanwhile, President of the BIE Gilles Noghes voiced his confidence in Shanghai's ability to host a successful "World Exposition" in 2010 .

    "I feel happy for Shanghai. It's a great result. An exposition in Shanghai will present enormous chances for the city to improve its environment, to develop tourism, and progress in general. The whole world will also benefit from it," said BIE President Gilles Noghes.

    At the celebratory banquet held later, Director of the Shanghai World Expo Bidding Committee Wu Yi expressed her gratitude to all Chinese people who have supported and contributed in various ways to the successful bid. She said the Chinese government and its people cherished the long awaited opportunity.

    She reiterated the Chinese government's commitments to the event, saying that preparations to provide all participating countries with state-of-the-art facilities and satisfactory services in 2010 would be thorough.

    Shanghai's successful bid makes China the first developing country to ever host the event, which made its debut 151 years ago.

Editor: Xiao Wei

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