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Shenzhou III capable of manned space mission  
   CCTV.COM   2002-04-05 13:04:24   
    The returned module of China's spaceship "Shenzhou III" was opened on Thursday in the Chinese Academy of Space Technology. The latest statistics indicate that the space vehicle meets all the requirements for carrying a person into space.

    Experts from the Chinese Academy of Space Technology said the human dummy in the spaceship worked well in space, which makes it possible for the Shenzhou to carry a person into space in the future.

    The human dummy is as big and heavy as a real human being and simulates many human biological functions. The information collected on the dummy shows that it retained its normal state in pulse, respiration, temperature and blood pressure during its space tour. This indicates that the environment in the space vehicle fully meets the medical requirements for a manned mission.

    A number of other scientific testing facilities and equipment were also returned with the module. They include integrated protein crystal samples, a dozen kinds of seeds and some plants including pinks, honeysuckle and kudzu vines that can grow in a cold and dry environment. Scientists hope that a zero-gravity environment will improve the breeding capability of the plants and make them suitable for deserted areas in China's western region.

    At present, the orbit-cabin of "Shenzhou III" is still in flight. On board are various instruments that will conduct experiments on multi-spectrum remote sensing of sea, land and air.

Editor:Liu Hongji

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