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Chinese scientists monitor Shenzhou III spacecraft  
   CCTV.COM   2002-03-28 14:03:13   
    China successfully launched the Shenzhou III spacecraft on March 25. The Long March 2F rocket pushed off the spacecraft, which meets all of the requirements to be fully man-rated.

    In the next few days, the Beijing Space Control Center will closely monitor the operation of the craft, preparing for its return to earth.

    This is a satellite monitor communication base at the Beijing Space Control Center. All communication with the Shenzhou III--data, audio and video--is being conducted by satellite and monitored in Beijing. The launch laid a foundation for the country's first manned space mission.

    By around 7:00 PM Wednesday, the Shenzhou III had orbited the earth 30 times. All operations have been normal. The space control center sent a series of remote control signals to the spacecraft, directing tasks that were successfully completed. One was a signal at the craft's fifth trip around the earth to start the engine that pushed the craft into a higher orbit.

    While the craft is aloft, scientists are testing various aspects of the flight, including the space biological environment, air monitoring and voice communication.


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