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Zhu calls for deepening reform, wider opening (2)
   CCTV.COM   2003-03-05 11:03:38   
    Rectifying and regulating the order of the market economy is a long-term and demanding task, but we must persevere, the premier noted.

    The government should seek both temporary and permanent solutions to the problems, with emphasis on permanent solutions; continue to focus on special areas and key links and crack down severely on the making and selling of counterfeit and shoddy goods and other illegal and criminal activities; improve the formulation of institutions and laws, strictly enforce the law and gradually bring market management under a system of laws and standards; promptly investigate and prosecute major cases of sabotage against the order of the market economy.

    The government should speed up the establishment of a social credibility system. "We should pay close attention to ensuring production safety and strengthen supervision and management to effectively protect people's lives and property. We should accelerate the establishment of a new order in the socialist market economy through reform and rectification. We should open up further by integrating our 'bringing in' and 'going global' strategies."

    While continuing to do a good job during the grace period after our entry into the WTO, China should conscientiously exercise our rights and fulfill our commitments. "We need stability in our policies and measures to promote exports," the report says.

    "We should continue our market diversification strategy and expand trade in goods and services on the basis of fine quality. We should cultivate and support superior domestic brands and improve the international competitiveness of Chinese products. We should optimize our import mix and deepen the reform of the foreign trade system."

    The government should continue to actively and effectively use foreign capital, emphasize bringing in advanced technologies, modern managerial expertise and specialists, and support multiple forms of cooperation between Chinese enterprises and transnational corporations.

    Vigorous efforts should be made to improve our investment environment and standardize procedures for attracting investment. Whatever their forms of ownership, Chinese enterprises that have comparative advantages should be encouraged to operate internationally through joint ventures, wholly-owned ventures or joint operations in order to increase the export of domestically produced goods, particularly capital goods.

    "We should work still harder to promote bilateral, multilateral and regional economic cooperation."

Editor: Han Ling  Source:Xinhua

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