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Shanghai hopeful of World Expo success
   CCTV.COM   2002-12-03 09:12:50   
    After three long years of fine-tuning its bid, Shanghai is hopeful it will win the right to host the World Expo.

    In the World Expo 2010 Bidding Office in Shanghai, staff is making last gasp efforts ahead of the big day. For the past two years or so, they have had many sleepless nights. For them, there is no better reward for all this lost sleep than to see China successful in its bid.

    "I am proud that I have been part of the campaign and I strongly believe that China will succeed tomorrow. I am confident that my wishes are shared by the 13 million Shanghai people as well as the 1.3 billion in China," said Yu Zhenyu of Promotion Department World Expo 2010 Bidding Office in Shanghai.

    With many of the staff members leaving for Monaco, the office looks less like a "war room" as it did at the height of the bid. But anyone walking into the room would still be immediately caught by the overriding "World Expo atmosphere" which is conjured up by posters, slogans, scrolls filled with the signatures of enthusiastic citizens and even pictures drawn by kindergarten children.

    "During the past two years we have received immense public support for our bid and we are all looking forward to China's success tomorrow. With the voting day approaching, I am getting very excited. Though I didn't go to Monte Carlo, my heart is with them all the way," said Yang Jingjing of Promotion Department, World Expo 2010 Bidding Office in Shanghai.

    If China wins the bid, it will not only elevate the nation's international status, but also bring substantial benefit to the local people, not least to this community. Compared with the skyscrapers elsewhere in the city, this is another Shanghai, with clusters of old houses still scattered around. For this neighborhood, moving into flashy modern residential areas is just a long cherished dream. The hosting of the World Expo in Shanghai would make this happen, a new community is part of the 400-hectare area chosen as the 2010 World Expo venue.

    The holding of the Expo will transform the neighborhood into one of Shanghai's most sought-after areas in just eight years time.

    The Lu family has been living here for many years. They say they can't wait to see their city win the Expo bid. "The news that Shanghai may host the 2010 World Expo is great news to us. It will greatly improve our living conditions," said Lu Fengzhe. And Wu Zhengchang, Lu's husband, said "We're retired, but we still want to do something useful for the bidding. Indeed we have been dreaming of the day for so long. The success of the bid would be most exciting news for us."

    The anticipation and excitement of the residents in Xicun Community will be shared by many local people in 24 hours. In Nanjing Road, Shanghai's bustling commercial street, workers are setting up a huge stage for tomorrow night's event. By then city leaders will join ordinary citizens for celebration, all hoping that they are gathered here to witness a momentous occasion in the city's history.

    With only hours to go before the key vote, the eyes of the Chinese people are all looking towards Monte Carlo--just as they gazed hopefully a year ago at Moscow, when the 2008 Olympic Games vote was announced. Only at this time, they are saying "Good luck, Shanghai."

Editor: Han Ling

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