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Decision on 2010 World Expo host city expected Tuesday
   CCTV.COM   2002-12-03 09:12:36   
    The organization in charge of the World Expo has opened a meeting in Monaco to choose the host for the 2010 Expo. Delegates from the Bureau of International Expositions will decide between five cities -- Shanghai, Moscow, the Mexican city of Queretaro, Poland's Wroclaw, or the South Korean city of Yeoso.

    A vote is expected later today (Tuesday), after representatives from the candidate cities present their plans for the show. Chinese Vice Premier Li Lanqing, State Councilor Wu Yi and Shanghai Mayor Chen Liangyu will make the presentation for Shanghai.

    The World Expo is seen as the Olympics of economy, science and technology. It has never been held in a developing country.

Editor: Han Ling

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