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More job opportunities to provide for laid-off workers
   CCTV.COM   2003-03-13 13:03:36   
    Efforts to bring China's unemployment rate under control have been incorporated into government plans at all levels. The issue of re-employment has also drawn great attention from the NPC deputies, who urged an increase of job opportunities.

    As an NPC deputy and director of the Shanghai Labor and Social Security Bureau, Zhu Junyi has presented proposals concerning employment and social security to each year's NPC session. This year he also raised a proposal for legislation promoting employment, stressing employment as an important part of the social security system.

    "Besides our primary task of economic development and subsidizing the poorest, we should try hard to encourage employment, which is also essential to the development of our society," said Zhu Junyi, NPC deputy & director of Shanghai Labor & Social Security Bureau.

    Shanghai initiated a responsibility system to encourage employment in the year 2000, and provided 350,000 more job opportunities over the past three years. Two million more jobs are expected to be provided in the coming five years, with an annual increase of 400,000 from this year on. Shanghai's system will be implemented in cooperation with the city's overall industrial restructuring and its efforts to improve the social security system.

    Meanwhile in Beijing, a plan called "Sunshine Employment Action" has been initiated to support the re-employment of laid-off workers through a series of preferential policies. The plan is expected to help keep Beijing's unemployment rate under 2.5 percent.

Editor: Han Ling

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