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Chinese FM: China to continue to seek political solution on Iraq
   CCTV.COM   2003-03-06 16:03:16   
    China will continue to hold to its position of finding a political solution to the issue of Iraq within the framework of UN Resolution 1441 and there is no need for a new UN resolution, Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan said at a press conference in Beijing Thursday afternoon.

    As a permanent UN Security Council member, Tang said, China will continue to try its best to seek a political solution on Iraq.

    Tang said that the issue of Iraq is at a critical juncture of military action and a political solution. "China's position on this issue is known to all, we hope that a political solution can be found within the framework of UN Resolution 1441."

    He said that the tasks defined in UN Resolution 1441 have not been fully accomplished, especially the tasks of weapons inspection and efforts should be continued to strengthen weapons inspection, seek a political solution and avert a war. As a result, China holds that it is not necessary to put aside Resolution 1441 and introduce a new one.

Editor: Xiao Wei  Source:Xinhua

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