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Chinese senior official vows to guard stability for reform, development
   CCTV.COM   2003-03-06 09:03:57   
    State Councilor Luo Gan said in Beijing Wednesday that safeguarding social stability calls for joint efforts from the Communist Party of China (CPC) committees and governments at all levels, so that a sound social environment for reform and development can take shape.

    Luo, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, made this remark Wednesday, while attending a group discussion with the delegation of deputies from Fujian province on the opening day of the First Session the 10th National People's Congress.

    At the panel discussion, Fujian's NPC deputies spoke highly of the government work report by Premier Zhu Rongji and aired their views on a range of state issues.

    Luo, who is also a NPC deputy, then cited stability as an overriding issue, without which nothing could be accomplished.

    The state councilor called for increased efforts to correctly handle the relationship between reform and development so as to safeguard social stability substantially. Without stability, he noted, reform and development are out of the question.

    Meanwhile, Luo urged leading officials at different levels to care about the people's weal and woe, go to those places strewn with difficulties, problems and contradictions, hear local people's expectations, and inspect how the set policies and measures have been implemented.

    "We must resolutely carry out the related policies of central authorities on safeguarding social stability, unswervingly proceed with the 'strike-hard' campaign against a handful of criminals and their sabotage activities, and unswervingly take the firm hold of public security, so as to create a sound social environment for reform and development," Luo said.

Editor: Han Ling  Source:Xinhua

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