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Premier reiterates China's foreign policies
   CCTV.COM   2003-03-05 11:03:27   
    Peace and development remain the themes of the present era. World multipolarization and economic globalization are making headway amid twists and turns.

    "Although we face an international environment in which opportunities continue to outweigh challenges, uncertainties have increased in the international situation."

    Premier Zhu Rongji reiterated China's foreign policies in the Report on the Work of the Government he delivered at the opening of the First Session of the 10th National People's Congress Wednesday, saying, "We will unswervingly pursue an independent foreign policy of peace."

    China will continue to consolidate and strengthen its solidarity and cooperation with other developing countries and support them in their efforts to defend their legitimate rights and interests, the report says.

    China will continue to cultivate friendly ties with its neighbors, increase regional cooperation and bring its exchanges and cooperation with neighboring countries to a new high, the report says.

    China will continue to improve and develop its relations with developed countries and, on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, broaden the area of common interests and appropriately iron out differences.

    China will continue to take an active part in multilateral diplomacy and promote democracy in international relations and diversity in development models.

    "We remain opposed to all forms of hegemonism and power politics and stand against terrorism in all its manifestations. The Chinese people are ready to join the people of all other countries in the lofty cause of promoting world peace and development," the report says.

Editor: Han Ling  Source:Xinhua

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