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Chinese premier on democracy, rule of law, cultural ethics
   CCTV.COM   2003-03-05 11:03:56   
    Premier Zhu Rongji, in his government work report to the First Session of the 10th NPC Wednesday, called for strengthening the building of socialist democracy, the legal system and spiritual civilization.

    China should develop socialist democracy and build a socialist political civilization. Political power and democracy at the local level in urban and rural areas should be strengthened, according to the report.

    China should combine rule of law with rule by virtue in running the country, improve the socialist legal system and the administrative laws and statutes, raise the level of law enforcement by administrative authorities and cultivate a law-abiding citizenry throughout the country.

    "Firmly grasping the orientation of advanced culture, we should redouble our efforts to build up a socialist spiritual civilization. We should earnestly put the Program for Improving Civic Morality into practice and foster and promote a national spirit. We should encourage popular participation in activities to raise the cultural and ethical standards of the general public," the report says.

    China should further develop cultural undertakings, such as literature and art, mass media, publishing, radio, film and television, and bring out a large number of quality works; deepen structural reform in the cultural field and actively develop cultural undertakings and cultural industries; improve the protection of the country's cultural relics and cultural heritage and increase its cultural exchanges with other countries.

    "We should disseminate scientific knowledge, combat superstition, and promote a civil and healthy lifestyle. We should tirelessly fight against pornographic and illegal publications. Development and management of Internet websites should be strengthened," it says.

    China should actively promote the reform and development of health and sports undertakings. Fitness campaigns for the general public should be vigorously promoted, and the level of competitive sports rose even further.

    China should conscientiously do a good job in preparing for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing and the 2010 World Exposition in Shanghai. "We must spare no effort in maintaining social stability. The principle of severely cracking down on crimes must be adhered to, and we should combine punishment with prevention with emphasis on the latter, and to maintain law and order in a comprehensive way."

    China must severely deal with all crimes in accordance with the law and watch out for and punish criminal activities of cult organizations.

Editor: Han Ling  Source:Xinhua

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