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People's Daily hails China's successful bid for World Expo 2010
   CCTV.COM   2002-12-04 12:12:40   

    China's leading newspaper People's Daily has hailed the country's successful bid to host the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai at the 132nd General Assembly of International Bureau of Exhibitions (BIE).

    In an editorial published on Wednesday, the People's Daily said China won the bid to host the exposition following friendly competition with Russia, Mexico, Poland and South Korea at the assembly held in Monte Carlo, Monaco, on Tuesday.

    To host the World Expo 2010 is an aspiration of the 1.2 billion Chinese people, the editorial said. The Chinese government, since its announcement in December 1999 to apply for hosting the event, has made solemn commitments to the BIE and has given full support to the bidding process. The Chinese people have enthusiastically rendered support for bidding for World Expo Shanghai 2010.

    It said that Shanghai was awarded the right to host the event was the result of China's improved international status and increasing influence, the firm support from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the State Council and people throughout China, and the wide recognition of the host city of Shanghai in the international community.

    The editorial said the Chinese government is a trustworthy and responsible government, which will honor its commitments and follow rules in the International Convention of the BIE. The Chinese government will make thorough preparations to provide all participants and their exhibits with complete facilities and satisfactory services, and pledges to give financial support to the World Expo Shanghai 2010.

    It said that China is fully confident in, and capable of, hosting a most successful, splendid and most unforgettable World Expo.

    China's successful bid is a breakthrough in the history of the event, the editorial said. In a history of over 150 years, the World Expo 2010 will become the first to be held in a developing country, which will expand the BIE's influence in China and in the whole world, and contribute to the promotion of world expositions in China and across the world.

    The 2010 World Exposition provides China with an important opportunity in the new century, which will greatly promote the building a well-off society in the country, and expedite its socialist modernization drive, said the editorial.

    Since the adoption of the reform and opening up policy, particularly over the past 13 years after the Fourth Plenary Session of the 13th CPC Central Committee, China has turned into one of the most dynamic countries in the world with its economy rapidly growing, its comprehensive national strength remarkably boosted and people's living standard continuously improved, it said.

    It said that hosting the exposition is also a great event in Shanghai's efforts to build the city into a world center of economy, finance, trade and transportation, which will tremendously help push forward its modernization and internationalization drive, and the economic development of the Yangtze River triangle region and lower reaches.

    The editorial said that China is confident that through the 2010 World Exposition, the international community will surely be able to see a prosperous China and a vigorous Shanghai.

    The World Expo Shanghai 2010 will surely become a landmark in the history of world expositions, it said.

Editor: Liu Hongji  Source:xinhuanet

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