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Chinese government fully supports Shanghai's bid for World Expo 2010
   CCTV.COM   2002-11-25 15:11:29   
    The Chinese government will spare no effort in supporting Shanghai's bid to host the World Expo 2010, says a commentator's article carried Monday by the People's Daily.

    The Chinese government has pledged to provide extensive assistance in financing, human resources, customs clearance and news coverage, the article says.

    Since China initiated its policy of reform and opening up, the country has experienced a period of steady, rapid and healthy development. By the end of 2010, China's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is expected to exceed 2 trillion US dollars, which will provide powerful financial support for the World Expo, it says.

    In the next two decades, China's efforts to build a comparatively prosperous society in an all-round way will generate endless business opportunities, opportunities which China hopes to share with the world through its hosting of the World Expo 2010, according to the article.

    In line with the theme "Better City, Better Life," China is also willing to discuss strategies for sustainable development for both cities and human beings with other countries, it says.

    As the largest developing country in the world, China's hosting of the World Expo 2010 will rewrite the history of the World Expo, which has traditionally been hosted by developed countries since the first Expo held in London in 1851, it points out.

    If China, the world's most populous country, wins the right to host the Expo, it will help expand the influence of the World Expo and that of its initiator, the Bureau of International Expositions (BIE), it adds.

    Chinese public opinion is strongly behind Shanghai's bid, providing a sound social foundation for the successful hosting of the Expo.

    On Dec. 3, the winner of the bidding process, which involves Shanghai, Moscow of the Russia, Queretaro of Mexico, Wroclow of Poland and Yeoso of the Republic of Korea, will be decided in a vote by the 132nd General Assembly of the BIE.

    With a history of over 150 years, the World Expo has become a major wellspring of new ideas, concepts and technologies, and has also played a role in ensuring their practical application, the article says. The Expo also plays an active role in exhibiting countries' achievements, enhancing international exchanges and promoting mankind's civilization and development.

    China has participated in all World Expos since 1982 and has established positive and cooperative relations and solid friendships with many countries. Now, with increasing overall national strength and further opening up, China is sincerely expecting to host the next World Expo, inviting all international friends to visit and exchange ideas and experiences with this ancient but rapidly-developing country, the article says.

    If Shanghai wins the bid, China is confident that it will host the most successful, splendid and unforgettable World Expo in the history of the event, it stresses. A 5,000-year history and 56 ethnic groups have endowed China with a diversified cultural charm and tremendous tolerance, adding to the potential attractiveness of the event, it adds.

    In addition, it says, if Shanghai is given the chance, the BIE member countries will witness China's willingness to further expand economic, scientific and cultural cooperation with other countries.

Editor: Hope  Source:Xinhua

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