


  二套週日19:00首播 一套週五14:00 十套12:00、19:00重播

Tour of Eton College Chapel Choir in Beijing( Part II)  
  Narration 1

  After giving the audience of Shanghai and Nanjing wonderful performances, the world-famous Eton College Chapel Choir comes to Beijing. Upon their arrival, the boys practice earnestly under a tight schedule. During the concerts held in Beijing, the marvelous conducting skills of Mr. Ralph Allwood and the boys’ exceptional singing win a standing ovation from the Beijing audience.

  Narration 2

  In early spring, trees in Beijing start to sprout their new leaves. This is the very season when both domestic and international tourists start to gather in the capital for sight-seeing. During the short breaks between their performances, tourist guides take the boys to enjoy some of the marvelous views of Beijing.

  This unforgettable experience in Beijing includes a visit to Tiananmen Square, which will become a pleasing memory for the choir, a tour of the glorious Forbidden City, which rids them of their weariness from their journey, and other outings which make these boys feel relaxed and happy.

  All of the choir members feel excited during their trips to the Summer Palace and the Ming Tombs. And, the magnificent trip to the Great Wall even provokes their interests in becoming a “hero”. Various kinds of traditional Chinese artifacts available in the free markets not only attract the boys’ attention, but also encourage their spending habits.

  Narration 3

  Using chopsticks, they taste the delicious Chinese food. Why do the boys handle in hands the articles with traditional Chinese flavor chosen for the families and friends so enjoyably, and even reluctant to put them down? Maybe they are just thinking which ones they would keep for themselves.

  Narration 4

  At the night party with students of China Music Conservatory, everybody laughed and talked happily. Exchanging their understanding in the art of music and discuss singing skills, perhaps both the conductors and students feel regretful for the late meeting. The students from the choir of China Music Conservatory can not help singing “Fengyang Flower-Drum”, a Chinese folk opera popular in the Yangtze River Valley, together with the teacher’s accompany. At this moment, the exciting atmosphere appeals to everyone there. The young artists perform the significant singing with emotion and in beautiful voice. The common feeling, the harmonious cooperation as well as the melodious and integrated Song of Shepherd, a Chinese folk song popular among people of Mongolian minority, closely connect the heart of everybody together.





