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Culture Express New Year playback—top 10 culture news (I)
   CCTV.COM   2003-01-02 10:01:58   
    As we bid a fond farewell to 2002 and look forward to more of the same over the next 12 months. We hit the rewind button and take a look back at the hottest and most sensational cultural and artistic events that took place all over China in the last 365 days and nights.

    1. Beijing and Shanghai always take a central place in China's cultural and artistic life. The Chinese capital took the lead in early spring with April's "Meet In Beijing" Arts Festival. Illusionist David Copperfield was next to appear followed by Germany's James Last Orchestra. The works of Spanish surrealist painter Salvador Dali also added a splash of color to the city.

    2. Spring breezes blow the coastal metropolis of Shanghai throbbed with a host of spectacular events. The international film, tourism and arts festival, arts expo and biennial all gave people a reason to get out of the house. But if all that was too frantic, a huge exhibition of China's greatest art works helped people calm down enough to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Shanghai Museum.

Editor: Han Ling

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