
Overseas Chinese remember war 08-10-2005 17:45

This year is the 60th anniversary of World War Two and China's victory in the War of Resistance against Japanese aggression. On Tuesday, the Consulate General of China in New York hosted a gathering of more than 100 overseas Chinese to mark the event. Guests included officials, business people and academics.

Consul-General of China in New York, Liu Biwei, told the gathering that during the war sixty-years ago, the people of China and the United States helped each other, and created a deep friendship.

He added that overseas Chinese played an important role in that war to save the Chinese nation.

Liu said, "Overseas Chinese in New York have a glorious tradition of patriotism. You not only supported China during the war of resistance against Japanese aggression, but you have spared no effort in contributing to the development and reunification of China."

He said the big tasks now for the overseas Chinese community were the Taiwan issue and Sino-Japanese relations. Participants said they hope the Taiwan authorities can put the general interests of the Chinese nation first, and promote the reunification of China. They also called on Japan to respect history.

Editor:Chen Zhuo

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