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Timeline of five years of returning to China    
   SAT, JUN 29, 2002    


July 1, 1997

Hong Kong shipping magnate Tung Chee-hwa was selected as the Hong Kong's first chief executive, succeeding last British Governor Chris Patten.

June 30, 1997

The territory of Hong Kong reverts to Chinese sovereignty. 156 years of British colonial rule was ended. The China-backed provisional legislature is sworn in. Chinese President Jiang Zemin said China would implement the 'one-country, two systems' policy and that Hong Kong would 'gradually develop a democratic system that suits Hong Kong's reality.'


July 2, 1998

Hong Kong's newly elected Legislative Council is sworn in.

May 23, 1998

Hong Kong conducts its first election under Chinese rule.


February 13, 1999

China tells Hong Kong to correct a ruling giving mainland immigrants the right to live in the territory.


May 26, 2000

Hong Kong refuses to allow Taipei to have a representative in the territory until it accepts the 'one china' policy.


August 20, 2001

A fleet of U.S. warships dock in Hong Kong, the first major port visit approved by China since the spy plane standoff in April.

January 12, 2001

Hong Kong Chief Secretary Anson Chan resigns.


April 17, 2002

Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa proposes to overhaul the system of government, putting in place a ministerial-type of government.

March 4, 2002

Hong Kong Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa is appointed to a second a five-year term.

June 24, 2002

Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa announces a new cabinet of political appointees to replace civil servants under the territory's new 'accountability system.'

Editor: Inner Wu

Source: Xinhua

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