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Fourth Hong Kong Literature Festival opens with variety of programmes    
   TUE, JUL 02, 2002    

"Literature" and "Art" are not as incomprehensible as people might imagine. It can be fun and is in fact a part of our daily life.

Jointly presented for the first time by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) and the Hong Kong Arts Development Council (HKADC), the 4th Hong Kong Literature Festival, which is being held from late June to July 14, is an important event in the cultural calendar.

A great variety of over 40 interesting and interactive programmes including a prominent thematic exhibition, symposiums with writers and scholars from various places, outreach and interactive activities in different formats, performances and a delightful carnival are offered for the public to experience the delights of literature.

The Festival opened on June 22 at the Hong Kong Central Library (HKCL) Exhibition Hall with one of its highlights "Thematic Exhibition: The Literary Bond of Mainland and Hong Kong."

With the theme "Literary Interaction in the New Era", the Festival is part of the activities for the 5th anniversary of the HKSAR and the 40th anniversary of the Hong Kong Public Libraries. It is also the first time to jointly organize with the National Museum of Modern Chinese Literature in staging the "Thematic Exhibition: The Literary Bond of Mainland and Hong Kong" which reflects the close tie of the two places from the literary perspective.

One of the features in the Thematic Exhibition is the study rooms of three renowned Chinese writers Ding Ling, Xiao Jun and Duan Mu Hong-liang, which are specially moved to Hong Kong from Beijing. The artifacts include furniture, pictures and small ornaments that reflect the lives of the writers. In addition, precious literary materials of well-known Chinese writers such as Lu Xun, Ba Jin, Mao Dun, Bing Xin, Cao Yu, Gao Mo-ruo, Eileen Chang and others will be displayed.

Editor: May

Source: HK Government Information Centre

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