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HK to showcase development achievements in UK    
   SUN, JUN 30, 2002    

The Hong Kong Festival was to kick off in London on July 2 to showcase Hong Kong's latest political and economic development and promote Hong Kong's international image, a government press release said in Hong Kong Sunday.

The three-month summer festival was timed to coincide with the fifth anniversary celebrations of the founding of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) and was designed to highlight Hong Kong as an economic powerhouse of Asia as well as a culturally vibrant city.

In his congratulatory message, Hong Kong Chief Executive Tung Chee Hwa noted that the festival would introduce Hong Kong's recent developments to Britain, the city's unique culture and lifestyle, creativity and innovation as well as the excellent infrastructure that underpinned its position as Asia's world city.

Tung added that he looked forward to further enhancing mutual understanding between the two places and strengthening this important partnership between Britain and Hong Kong.

In his message, Blair said he was delighted that Hong Kong had continued to prosper as the UK's second largest trading partner in Asia.

"Our links with Hong Kong are expanding and cover a wide range of issues, including environmental cooperation, law enforcement and civil service reform," said Blair.

As the UK's Special Representative for International Investment and Trade, Prince Andrew praised the way Hong Kong had weathered the Asian financial storm and turned the formula of "one country, two systems" into a successful reality.

The festival will be set in motion by two seminars featuring the latest economic and political development of the HKSAR on July2 and 3 respectively.

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