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Tung Chee Hwa: Hong Kong takes pride in being part of China     
   SAT, JUN 29, 2002    

As Hong Kong is about to mark the fifth anniversary of China's resumption of sovereignty, "We take pride in being part of China," the Chief Executive of the HK government Tung Chee Hwa said in Hong Kong Wednesday.

Tung made the remarks at the reception celebrating the Golden Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II before offering his congratulations to the queen on reaching this golden milestone in her rein.

He added that China is "moving forward confidently and purposefully and taking her rightful place in the community of nations of the world."

The chief executive expressed pleasure with the "vigorous and constructive relationship" Hong Kong has with the United Kingdom, noting that this relationship "has been and will be a very special one for us here, and a relationship that I have no doubt will grow from strength to strength in the years ahead."

Editor:Inner Wu


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