一. 本期主要內容:
“希望英語快車”將繼續它的旅程,今天這一站又將開到哪呢? “希望英語快車”馬上進站,呈現精彩; 接下來,“看大片 學英語”,一部關於“街舞”的英文電影,會讓你大飽眼福,英語語言專家David 讓你在娛樂的同時,學習英語常用口語。
“希望英語快車” Outlook English Express
“街舞” Hip-Hop Dancing
二.本期電影You Got Served故事梗概(中英問對照):
1> 在美國,街舞廣受歡迎,難以置信的舞技和極具爆發力的動作讓人眼花繚亂。街舞憑藉其獨特的魅力成為了美國新時代文化不可缺少的部分,熙熙攘攘的人群擠在一起為自己喜歡的組合喝彩,每一個華麗的動作都會帶來一連串高分貝的叫嚷,而組合之間的比賽更是讓觀賞的人們流連忘返。
在一場激烈的街舞比賽中,街頭青年David 和 Elgin組成的街舞隊,擊敗所有好手,成為街舞冠軍,可是,麻煩事接踵而來,本片的故事就是在這樣的情景下展開的。
In America, Hip-Hop Dancing is very popular. Audiences are amazed and dazzled by the astounding dance techniques and the flexible, expressive body movements. The unique fascination of Hip-Hop Dancing has become an indispensable part of American new age culture. Bustling crowds get together to cheer on their idol, with each stunning move giving rise to high-decibel shouts of approval. And the fierce competition between rival teams makes the Hip-Hop audiences even more wildly enthusiastic.
In a Hip-Hop dancing competition, a dance team made up of two young boys named David and Elgin overcomes all the competition to become the street champions. But trouble soon appears on the horizon for the boys, and it is here that the story begins to unfold.
2> 街舞隊首先受到一個名叫Wade的挑戰,Elgin在不明對方底細的情況下,答應立即和他們進行一場比賽,一決勝負,他們倉促應戰,然而,一張無形的大網正在悄然打開,David 和 Elgin最後的命運又將是如何呢?
出人意料,自己街舞隊的成員之一 Sonny突然出現在了對方的一邊,原本屬於自己的舞步被對方瞭如指掌。他們最後慘敗而歸,主力成員David 和 Elgin之間也為此産生了矛盾,更不幸的是Elgin又意外受傷,街舞隊面臨解散的危機。
At first, the team of Hip-Hop dancing group is challenged by someone names Wade. Without knowing anything about the challenger, Elgin immediately agrees to enter into an all-or-nothing competition with him. But they are unaware that an invisible net is slowly closing in on them. What will be David and Elgin’s final fate?
To everyone’s surprise, Sonny, who was one of the members of the Hip-Hop team, suddenly appears on the side of their opponents. And so the moves and tricks, they have invented are suddenly being copied by the other side. The group is soundly defeated, and this results in a conflict between David and Elgin. Even worse, Elgin becomes injured, and the Hip-Hop dancing team is on the verge of disbanding.
3> 一場熱力四射的街舞比賽正在舉行,然而舞臺上卻再也看不到David 和 Elgin的身影,街舞隊從此一蹶不振,一度輪為街舞比賽的看客。
A fantastic Hip-Hop competition is takes place, but David and Elgin are nowhere to be seen. And at this point the Hip-Hop team loses its steam, and ends up on the sidelines as mere spectators in the competition.
4> 兩名主力隊員David 和 Elgin的矛盾雖然一時難以調和,但是他們都沒有放棄各自的訓練,他們刻苦勤奮,磨練舞技,水平都有了飛躍式的提高。
Although the conflicts between the two main members of the team, David and Elgin, are difficult to resolve, neither one gives up on their dance training, and continue to work hard. They continue to work on their moves and improve day by day.
A large-scale Hip-Hop dance competition is about to be staged, and the Hip-Hop dancing team faces rough competition from the rival teams. Will they be able to win the competition?
From the fierce competition between the strong teams, it’s obviously gonna be a really tough call.
5> Elgin的街舞隊和Wade街舞隊並列冠軍,這引起了觀眾的強烈不滿,雙方隊員也都不服,劍拔弩張。當然解決的辦法就是再加賽一場,在關鍵時刻,Elgin和David兩名主力隊員為了共同的目標,捐棄前嫌,重歸於好。比賽的序幕再次拉開,而且沒有規則,舞蹈動作也可自由發揮,這一切使得比賽一下子迸發出生機。
Elgin’s team and their rivals are both tied for the championship, but the audience is dissatisfied with this, and the members of two teams also want to settle the score face-to-face. And so the only solution is a final play-off competition. At the crucial the key members Elgin and David put aside their differences and become friends again. The competition begins again and the only rule is --- no rule. Freestyle dancing with no restrictions, which gives the competition new vitality.
Elgin and David, united again, are unstoppable, and in the end they are the indisputable champions of the national competition.
三 本期語言點:
1. None of your business. 不關你的事
2. He sold us out! 他出賣了我們
3. Let’s bounce. 我們走吧
4. This is gonna be a really tough call. 這真的很難下結論