大家好,歡迎你們如約來到希望英語雜誌“週二娛樂秀”。In today’s Sing a Song, the song is It Is You by Dana Glover. 這首歌的演唱者是一位美國的歌手,她的嗓音非常優美,大家可能覺得這首歌有點耳熟,對了!這首It Is You就是《怪物史萊克》SHRECK的主題歌。下面我們來看一看歌詞。I'm filled with emotion, Your love, it rushes through my veins,我滿懷熱情 你的愛 在我的血液中涌動。這句話直接翻譯是:我被熱情填滿,你的愛沖刷著我的血管。Rush是衝,流動,vein是血管的意思,你的愛衝過我的血管,翻譯得好聽一些就是:你的愛在我的血液中涌動,讓我熱血沸騰. 好,馬上我們就會在電影中看到怪物Shreck是怎麼被愛沖刷的,現在先把歌曲完整地聽一遍。
DANA GLOVER------ It is you (I Have Loved)
There is something that I see
In the way you look at me
There's a smile
There's a truth in your eyes
But an unexpected way
On this unexpected day
Could it mean this is
Where I belong
It is you I have loved all along
It's no more mystery
It is finally clear to me
You're the home my heart
Searched for so long
And it is you
I have loved all along
There were times I ran to hide
Afraid to show the other side
Alone in the night without you
But now I know just who you are
And I know you hold my heart
Finally this is where I belong
It is you I have loved all along
It's no more mystery
It is finally clear to me
You're the home my heart
Searched for so long
And it is you
I have loved all along
Over and over
I'm filled with emotion
Your love, it rushes
Through my veins
And I am filled
With the sweetest devotion
As I, I look into
Your perfect face
It's no more mystery
It is finally clear to me
You're the home my heart
Searched for so long
And it is you I have loved
It is you I have loved
It is you
I have loved all along
Welcome back, this is Entertainment on Tuesday.剛才我們聽到的是《怪物史萊克》Shrek的主題歌,It Is You《就是你》。説到Shrek,我想大家剛剛看到Shreck形象的時候,可能對他都沒什麼好感。不但模樣不討好,而且脾氣還特別不招人喜歡。可是呢!對他了解多了,這個怪物其實是個心地可愛善良的。那麼在今天的節目中我們就來説説他們,怪物monster.
其實有很多的怪物並不是像看上去得那麼可怕,有的也很溫柔,可愛。這就叫做人不可貌相,沒錯!以前的節目中,我們學過一句“人不可貌相”,You can't judge a book by its cover.那麼今天,我們就讓電影中的怪物monster來論證一下. 你知道嗎,看了這些怪物的形象,我感覺他們像一種水果──荔枝lichee,外表看上去不是很好看,可是內心卻是晶瑩剔透,沒有雜質。你這個比喻倒是很恰當,乾脆咱們來一個荔枝等級,把一些被人們稱為怪物但卻有著美麗心靈的形象做個排行。
E.T: 相貌怪異的星外來客,卻充滿了童心和友善。荔枝指數:5
Shrek: 長相怪異,膚色奇特,但內心世界近乎于完美。荔枝指數:5
在這些怪物裏,我最喜歡的還是Shrek, 到後來我其實並不覺得Shrek難看了,我覺得他真的是太可愛了。下面我們就來看看這部經典的影片Shrek這個故事講的是再沼澤裏住著一隻叫Shrek的綠色怪物,他有點神神叨叨,喜歡抱怨生活,但是有一天,他平靜的生活結束了,當他得知一個被暴君掠走了一位無辜的公主,Shrek便踏上了營救公主的旅程。
Shrek is a big ogre who lives alone in the woods, he has a happy life, until a flock of people comes to his house.
In order to obtain the bonus, People caught many fairy tale creatures. Shrek save a talking donkey unconsciously, but the donkey is determined to follow Shrek.
At night, because Lord Farquaad, the ruler of Duloc, exiles all the fairy-tale beings in the woods, Shrek looses his peaceful life and his home becomes a refugees camp.
So, Shrek sets to find Lord Farquaad and convince him to take the fairy-tale beings back where they belong, and leave him alone. Lord Farquaad accepts, under one condition.
Shrek must first go and find the beautiful young princess Fiona, who will become Farquaad's bride. So, the big Ogre begins his quest, along with his newfound donkey friend.
Shrek overcomes the dragon who invigilates the princess Fiona, and rescues Fiona, but Fiona doesn’t see Shrek’s face, because Shrek wears a helmet.
After seeing Shrek’s real appearance, Fiona feel so disappointed. But little by little, Fiona finds out that Shrek is virtuous, brave guy. And they both fall in love. But one night, the donkey discovers a big secret of Fiona.
Shrek hears the dialog between Fiona and the donkey, but he misconceives Fiona, and decides to bring Fiona to Lord Farquaad.
The donkey tells Shrek the truth, and encourages him to rescue Fiona from Farquaad. Shrek comes to the wedding ceremony in time. At the same time, Fiona becomes an ogre as well, and Lord Farquaad shows himself in his true colors.
At last, Shrek defeats Lord Farquaad, and live with Fiona together.
看完了電影我真的覺得內心要比相貌重要多了,相貌並不重要,the appearance isn’t important. ppearance就是外表、相貌的意思。the appearance isn’t important. 相貌並不重要。所以我現在一點也沒覺得Shrek是一個怪物monster。Well, but it depends on whether people could know other's inside very well. 美醜不重要,可是還要善於和別人溝通,讓大家更多地了解你,更喜歡你。好了, 剛説完了一個怪物Shreck,下面我們要再説説另一群怪物,他們來自《怪物公司》Monsters, Inc.這部電影講的是怪物們也有一個屬於他們的世界,而維持這個怪物世界生存的唯一動力能源就是來自小孩子受到驚嚇時所發出的尖叫,為此,怪物們還成立了自己的怪物有限公司,由這個公司中的怪物專門負責收集孩子們的尖叫。
電影Monsters, Inc《怪物公司》
Monster Inc.
In a land of monsters, the power is generated from the screams of children, Sulley and his best friend Mike are two of many monsters that work for Monsters Inc. the utility company that generates energy from the goose bumps of children.
Sulley is the No. 1 scream-generator, and Randall, one of the employees of Monsters Inc is the competitor to Sulley.
Storing the screams is dangerous work, as every little monster knows that nothing is more toxic than a human child.
One night, Sulley finds Randall makes a little girl come into the monster world. Sulley and Mike have to bring the girl home, and name her Boo.
The next day, Sulley and Mike make up Boo as a little monster, and take her to the company, in order to bring her back.
But Randall discovers their plan. He tells Mike he can help them to settle the problem.
Sulley and Mike come in front of the door, which can bring Boo to her world. But this is Randall’s trap.
Sulley discovers Randall invented a machine, which can scares children, he want to make Boo to experiment.
At last, Sulley make the chief instigator, the boss of the company, Watrenoose exposure to the police, and bring Boo back home.
They find out that laughs are ten times more powerful than screams, they start the company again, but this time they make the kids laugh and Mike is the best of the bunch at getting them to laugh.
大家好,歡迎你們如約來到希望英語雜誌“週二娛樂秀”。In today’s Sing a Song, the song we’ll listen to is One Love by Blue. 這首歌One love一種愛,是現在非常走紅的Blue樂隊演唱的,blue樂隊我們在以前的節目中也介紹過,他們樂隊的風格屬於R&B,也就是周傑倫的那種音樂形式,不過他們的發音要比周傑倫清楚多了。下面我們就來看看這樣一句,How life can change,Can flip 180 in a matter of days. 生活如此地變換,幾天時間就可以轉變180度。這裡的flip是翻轉的意思,但是它沒有turn顯得那麼僵硬,很那種輕易快捷很靈巧的翻轉。好,這首歌One Love唱的是我們都需要一種愛,這樣我們的生活才會更美好,那麼下面我們把歌曲完整地聽一遍。
One love
It's kinda funny
How life can change
Can flip 180 in a matter of days
Sometimes love works in
Mysterious ways
One day U wake up
Gone without a trace
I refuse to give up
I refuse to give in
You're my everythin'
I don't wanna give up
I don't wanna give in
So everybody sing
One love for the mother's pride
One love for the times we cried
One love gotta stay alive...I will survive
One love for the city streets
One love for the hip hop beats
One love oh I do believe
One love is all we need
Late at night I'm still wide awake
Feelin' this is one more than I can take
I thought my heart could
Never break
Now I know that's one big mistake
I refuse to give up
I refuse to give in
You're my everythin'
I don't wanna give up
I don't wanna give in
Everybody sing
One love for the mother's pride
One love for the times we cried
One love gotta stay alive...I will survive
One love for the city streets
One love for the hip hop beats
One love oh I do believe
One love is all we need
Baby just love me love me love me
Baby just hold me hold me hold me
Ooooh love me love me love me
Oh yeah..one love
Baby just love me love me love me
Baby just hold me hold me hold me
Ooooh love me love me love me
One love for the mother's pride
One love for the times we cried
One love gotta stay alive...I will survive
One love for the city streets
One love for the hip hop beats
One love oh I do believe
One love is all we need
One love for the mother's pride
One love for the times we cried
One love gotta stay alive...I will survive
One love for the city streets
One love for the hip hop beats
One love oh I do believe
One love is all we need
Welcome back, this is entertainment on Tuesday. 近些年我發現養狗的家庭是越來越多了,好像沒有一個小區裏不養狗的了。是這樣的,我們每天都會看到許多人在外面遛狗。和狗還有説有笑的,感覺人們把狗都當成了一個家庭成員了。真的是這樣的,我也養狗啊,隨著和它更多的接觸,你會感覺到,不再把它當作一個寵物了,你會看懂它的喜怒哀樂,同樣,他也能看懂你所表達的情感,而把它當作一個朋友了似的。其實在我們生活中還是能看見許多流浪狗的,很可憐,尤其是看見他們過馬路的時候,我總是替它們捏著一把汗。的確流浪狗是很可憐的, the stray dogs are pitiful. Stray dogs就是流浪狗的意思,stray就是迷路,漂泊的意思,stray dogs就是流浪狗,所以現在有許多救助流浪狗的組織成立了。那麼我們今天要介紹的兩部影片也是和流浪狗有關的。下面這部電影叫做《都是戴茜惹的禍》Because of Winn-Dixie.故事講的是,一個名叫Opal的小女孩隨父親搬到了一個小鎮上,在這裡她沒有朋友,但是有一天,她在超市中發現了一隻流浪狗,並收養了它,從此她的生活也隨之改變。
電影《Because of Winn-Dixie》
Winn-Dixie進入被鎮上人稱作女巫的住所,Opal為了尋找Winn-Dixie, 撞著膽子走進了女巫的院子。
隨著與Otis, Franny, 還有Gloria不斷地接觸,Opal發現人們心中都充滿了孤獨,為了改變這種狀況,Opal決定在Gloria家中舉行一場聚會。
但是Opal和父親找遍了整個小鎮,還是沒能夠找到Winn-Dixie, Opal不得不失望的回到了聚會。
雖然沒有找到Winn-Dixie, 大家的情緒都不是很好,但還是堅持將聚會開完。就在這時,Winn-Dixie神奇地又回到了聚會當中。小鎮的生活從此得到了轉變,這都是因為Opal和她的小狗Winn-Dixie.
看完了電影我真的有種想養一隻狗的衝動了,感覺能有一隻狗和我交流真的是件非常愉快的事。What is the dog breed you ask for?dog breed狗的品種。這個我還沒有想好,但必須是聰明,可愛的。你有什麼建議嗎?好吧,那你先看看下面的小片了解一下,可能會對你有所幫助。
拉布拉多獵犬 Labrador Retriever
特點:聰明 忠誠 嗅覺優異 被廣泛應用於緝毒 導盲工作
大丹犬 Great Dane
特點:體形龐大 卻友善 忠誠 喜歡與小孩子玩 但不容易馴養
約克夏 Yorkshire Terrier
特點:體形矮小 卻很勇敢 聰明 活潑 可做優良的看家犬
中國冠毛犬 Chinese Crested
特點:因為頭部的冠毛很像中國清朝官員的帽子而得名 動作靈活 從不吵鬧和攻擊 但由於全身無毛 生活條件要求溫暖舒適
貴賓犬 Poodle
特點:聰明 活潑 外表高貴 多用於馬戲表演 由於毛髮特別 所以需要定期修剪
看完了小片,你有沒有想好要養什麼狗呢?也許看了下面的電影,你就會做出選擇了,下面這部影片英文叫做Good boy,《神奇太空犬》講的是,一個幫別人遛狗的小男孩想擁有一隻自己的狗,但是他沒有想到自己收養的這只狗竟然是一隻來自太空的狗。
Good Boy 《神奇太空犬》
為了不讓Great Dane將地球狗全部召回,Owen和好友Connie決定假扮出狗們在地球有著很高地位的假象。
但是當Great Dane真的到來的時候,Hubble由於與地球狗和人類長時間的接觸,慢慢也被同化了,河Owen也産生了感情,所以,所有的狗們都忘記了應該怎樣去做。
Great Dane決定將所有的地球狗召回,一夜之間,社區裏所有的狗都失蹤了。
極度傷心的Owen對著Hubble遺留下的對講機傾訴著思念之情,沒想到這些話都被Hubble和Great Dane聽到了。
也許是Owen的話感動了Great Dane, Great Dane把所有的地球狗又送回了地球,Hubble也跟著一同回來了,決定也做一隻真正的地球狗。