In today’s Sing a Song, we’ll learn Never Had A Dream Come True by S Club 7. 這首歌的演唱者S Club 7是一支來自英國的7人組合。 他們在2000年一下推出了3張專輯,都是大獲成功。但之後就再也沒有新歌推出了,也可謂是名存實亡了。而這首Never Had A Dream Come True是他們最有名的一首單曲。
Everybody's got something they had to leave behind
One regret from yesterday that just seems to grow with time
There's no use looking back or wondering
How it could be now or might have been
Oh this I know but still I can't find ways to let you go
I've never had a dream come true
Till the day that I found you
Even though I pretend that I've moved on
You'll always be my baby
I never found the words to say
You're the one I think about each day
And I know no matter where life takes me to
A part of me will always be with you
Somewhere in my memory
I've lost all sense of time
and tomorrow can never be ’cos yesterday is all that fills my mind
There's no use looking back or wondering
How it could be now or might have been
Oh this I know but still I can't find ways to let you go
I've never had a dream come true
Till the day that I found you
Even though I pretend that I've moved on
You'll always be my baby
I never found the words to say
You're the one I think about each day
And I know no matter where life takes me to
A part of me will always be
You'll always be the dream that fills my head
Yes you will, say you will, you know you will
Oh baby, you'll always be the one I know I'll never forget
There's no use looking back or wondering
Because love is a strange and funny thing
No matter how I try and try I just can't say goodbye
No no no no
I've never had a dream come true
Till the day that I found you
Even though I pretend that I've moved on
You'll always be my baby
I never found the words to say (words to say)
You're the one I think about each day
And I know no matter where life takes me to
A part of me will always be
A part of me will always be with you
不過最近隨著一部星戰前轉3 Star Wars Episode III的上映,終於圓了星戰迷們的夢想,Star Wars系列影片從1977年上映以來已經28年了,終於畫上了一個句號。也影響了一代甚至幾代人。而且星戰還塑造了一個大明星,那就是Harrison Ford.在今天的節目中我們就來説説他.
可以説是星球大戰成就了Harrison Ford,一夜之間Harrison Ford便家喻戶曉。在拍攝了星球大戰的前兩級之後,Harrison Ford接到了一個新影片邀請,在這部影片中主角是一個美國西部牛仔形象的冒險英雄。這就是Indiana Jones。在做了比較後,Harrison Ford放棄了星戰3的拍攝,選擇了Indiana Jones,也正是因為這部戲讓了他成為了一名不折不扣的動作影星。
正是這兩部系列電影Star Wars和Indiana Jones成就了Harrison Ford。這兩部系列電影票房的總和達到了30億美元。也使Harrison Ford成為了好萊塢頂尖的影星都是動作明星,但Harrison Ford和成龍,李連杰卻不一樣。他沒有招式,而更多的是驚險動作,adventurous action。Adventurous就表示驚險的,冒險的意思。用這詞adventurous來形容Harrison Ford的電影風格是在合適不過了。
Indiana Jones
After crash landing in India, archeologist and adventurer Indiana Jones and companions Short Round and Willie Scott end up in a small distressed village where the residents tell him that a dark power has stolen their precious stone and their children.
Agreeing to assist the village, Indiana and friends make their way to a nearby palace and ask about these strange happenings. Assuring Indiana has no idea what he's talking about, prime minister offers to let them spend the night in the palace. However, it is that evening that Indiana discovers a secret passage into a booby-trapped temple.
After the ceremony, Indiana gets into the temple, and takes the stone that was stolen from the village. Just as he is about to leave, he hears the sound of children crying, and heads towards the sound.
Indiana and his companions are captured. In the prison, they discover the secret of the village: All the children are forced to drink a kind of blood, and then they lose control and submit to the powwow Mola Ram. Mola Ram forces Indiana to drink this blood, and he loses control of himself. Mola Ram then orders him to kill Willie. At the crucial moment, Short Round escapes and helps Indiana to revive himself and return to normal.
Indiana retrieves the stone, and releases all the children Mola Ram had stolen from the village.
But Mola Ram won’t allow Indiana to take the stone away, and he blocks Indiana’s escape at a hanging bridge.
In the end, Indiana defeats Mala Ram, and returns the stone to the village.
1993年,Harrison Ford以51歲的“高齡”再次出演了動作片The Fugitive《亡命天涯》,這部影片成為當年美國票房之首,也創下了動作片男主角的年齡紀錄。51歲依然可以身手敏捷的確是不容易。
The Fugitive
Richard Kimble is a noted surgeon. One night, a mysterious one-armed man murders his wife, and runs away. But all the clues point to Kimble, and he is arrested by the police.
On the way to prison, the other prisoners try to escape, resulting in a train accident that gives Kimble his chance to flee. In order to hide from the police, Kimble changes his appearance, but police Lt. Jarrard still recognizes him.
Avoiding capture by Lt. Jarrard, Kimble is determined to find the true murderer himself. He asks for the help of his best friend, Dr Nichols.
In search of clues, Kimble goes to the prosthetics department, and after examining the computer records, narrows down the suspects to 5 people, Kimble tracks down each one, and finally finds the murderer. To his surprise, he discovers that the one-armed killer had contact with Lantz, the owner of a company that produces a liver medicine. Kimble had done some research showing that Lantz’s medicine had negative effects on the liver, and Kimble realizes that Lantz must be the one responsible for the one-armed man’s actions.
Kimble tells his friend Nichols about his discovery, but Nichols tells him that Lantz has died in a traffic accident.
In order to get new clues, Kimble checks the liver samples used in the tests of the medicine, he finds that the samples were all altered to give normal results. And when he finds out that Nichols is slated to be the new president of the medicine company. He knows who is the real villain is.
Finally, Kimble confronts Nichols at the inauguration dinner, and exposes the truth.
Nichols decides to kill Kimble, but his attempt is disrupted by Lt. Jarrard, who has also figured out the plot. The desperate Nichols must kill them all. In the end, Kimble defeats Nichols, save Jarrard’s life, and proves his innocence.
Dreams by The Cranberries
海南東方市第一小學 張昕 祝香蕉姐姐高考順利 冷靜 考上理想的大學 福建觀眾 姚皓青 祝妹妹皓琦高考取得優異成績 湖南省株洲市九方中學初三5班 白婷 祝全體同學在畢業會考中取得好的成績 考上理想的高中 福建師大附中高一8班的一名同學 祝歐世棟 蓋靜 生日快樂 山東濱州陽信實驗中學初三3班 張心皓 祝全班同學中考順利 安徽渦陽 袁媛 祝《希望-英語雜誌》夏令營的朋友天天快樂 南京遊府西街小學六2班 汪露 祝全班同學快樂 小櫻 祝父母身體健康 笑口常開 河北天鐵二中 劉雲倩 祝父母身體健康 所有考生們考出好成績 Daggie 祝哥哥生日快樂 高考學子金榜題名 石家莊市21中高二8班 王曉偉 祝同學孫斐斐生日快樂 廣東佛山 yellow fish 祝小moon天天開心 陜西省寶雞市烽火中學初三2班 田璐 祝全班同學考上理想高中