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央視國際 (2005年03月30日 16:00)

  In today’s Sing A Song, the song we’ll learn is Cry by Godley and Creme.

  Godley and Creme是一隻英國兩人樂隊,這首歌是他們成績最好的一首單曲,在許多國家都登上了排行榜冠軍的寶座,但從這首歌曲以後Godley and Creme再也沒有能夠取得相同的成績。



  You don't know how to ease my pain

  You don't know

  You don't know how to ease my pain

  You don't know what the sound is darling

  It's the sound of my tears falling

  Or is it the rain?

  You don't know how to play the game

  You cheat

  You lie

  You make me wanna cry

  You make me wanna cry


  You make me wanna cry

  You don't know how to ease my pain

  You don't know

  You don't know how to ease my pain

  Don't you hear any voices crying?

  That's the sound of my love dying'

  Here comes the rain

  You don't know how to play the game

  You cheat

  You lie

  You don't even know how to say goodbye

  You make me wanna cry

  You don't know

  You don't even know how to say goodbye

  You make me wanna cry

  You don't even know how to say goodbye

  You make me wanna cry

  這部MV印象最深的就是這首歌中那不停變幻的人物面部表情。不過這首歌中都是要哭的表情,有一個明星他的面部表情就非常善於變換。He is the top screen comedian of the 1990s,他就是美國的喜劇明星Jim Carrey, 他總是以誇張的面部表情,和肢體動作給大家帶來歡樂。Jim Carrey跑了10年龍套後終於因第一部主演的影片中文叫做《神探飛機頭》的影片一舉成名。Jim Carrey成名之後,試圖嘗試新的風格,1998年主演了嚴肅電影《楚門的世界》The Truman Show, 同樣大獲成功,並贏得了當年的金球獎。但是之後的一部影片《月亮上的人》Man On The Moon雖然同樣也贏得了金球獎,但票房卻一落千丈,可能人們已經習慣看Jim Carrey那種搞笑的樣子了,對於他的轉變還不太認可。Jim Carrey 在2000年又重返了喜劇領域。推出了《一個頭兩個大》Me, Myself And Irene。

責編:蘭華  來源:CCTV.com

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